Birds belong to particular groups:
Herbivore: they eat leaves, grass, seeds, walnuts, fruit and vegetables. For example: chaffinch. Omnivore: they eat everything: insects, fruit, small molluscs and snakes e.g. the toucan. Scavengers: scavengers eat dead meat. charognards c'est ceux qui mangent la viande morte.
What is the beak for? The beak is for opening seeds, for defending itself, for seizing prey, for building a nest, for digging in the silt to eat grass, for fishing, smoothing their feathers and for digging out insects as well as collecting pollen. What are their colours? They are black, yellow, white with black stripes, red, all colours. What is the shape of the beak? Beaks are adapted to the diet of the bird and the way it catches its food.
A birds beak is made of keratin and like nails and hair it wears away and continuously grows back. |
Flight Almost all birds are capable of flying. . It is the pushing up and down of the wings against the air, which makes the bird fly forward and high, Gliding birds only use their wings for the purpose of pushing forward. When the required speed and altitude are affected, this bird is capable of gliding in the air in the warm currents.
Reproduction Birds lay eggs. The male and female breed in the spring. . Nests They all build nests in which to lay the eggs. The nests protect the eggs and then the young. All birds do not build the same type of nest. Birds make nests out of all kinds of materials: twigs, moss, grass, reeds, mud, lichen, down, horsehair, rubbish......
The Fledglings
Some chicks are born covered in down, their eyes open. They leave the nest after hatching, follow their parents and search for their own food. This is the case in ducks, geese and swans. By contrast, some chicks are born without feathers and their eyes are closed. For hatching : they have a special tip on the end of their beak - the diamond. The 'diamond' falls off some days after hatching. |
Why do birds sing?
The birds have a language, which allows them to communicate with each other! Sometimes the language is so beautiful to hear as it sounds like a song. A male sings to attract the female and to chase other males from his territory. They sometimes sing to warn their friends of danger (like the presence of a cat). Some birds have a cry that says they have found food. There are those who sing without a reason. . |
Most birds don't always live in the same place. Periodically they more or less accomplish their long migration, according to their species, at the end they are able to enjoy more agreeable temperatures.
Some birds |