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Housemartin -Martinet-Rondone

Latin name: Delichon urbica.

Colour: It has a white rump and under body. It has light brown wings. It has a black beak, black tail feathers and black head.
Beak: Small but pointed.
Legs: It has long, white spindly legs.
Length:12.5cm in total.

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nom scientifique: Delichon urbica.

Couleur : il a le croupion et le ventre blanc. Ses ailes sont marron clair. Son bec est noir, ainsi que sa queue et sa tête.
Bec: petit et pointu.
pattes: il a des pattes grèles et blanches.
Longueur:12.5cm .



Nome Latino: Delichon urbica

Colore: E' nero suldorso e sul ventre. Ha le ali marrone chiaro. Ha il becco nero, il piumaggio della coda nero e la testa nera.
Becco: Piccolo ma aguzzo..
Gambe: Lunghe,sottili e bianche..
Lunghezza: 12.5cm in totale.


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photo : Alain Fossé